Not just benches, benchmarks:
Although education at NPS is free, the idea is to provide children with every imaginable facility to ensure their all-round development as they grow into the citizens of tomorrow – fully equipped for the challenges and opportunities of the future.
Our goal is to exceed the expectations of parents, instructors and students, and set completely new benchmarks in providing education.
The school will be on par with reputed national and international schools in terms of the curriculum, the teaching methodologies, the faculty, and the school infrastructure.
Trained for life
Our teachers are given rigorous training to sensitize them towards first generation learners. Special bridge programmes are developed along with language and math kits to facilitate classroom learning.
Given the erratic educational background of many of our students, the teachers here are equipped with different pedagogical approaches to help their pupils in the best possible ways.
- Multigrade-Multilevel (MGML) programme
- Activity Based Learning (ABL)
- Multi-Age Multi-Level (MAML)
Computer Lab Facilities
Internet enables computer lab with over 30 computers to meet the students’ Information Technology needs. Trained and experienced teachers provide both theoretical and practical lessons for students to help them navigate a rapidly changing technology driven world.
Language Lab
School has its own language lab where the students practice guided exercise and lexical structures as well as phonetics to improve their communication and language skill under the guidance of the trained teachers. The language is equipped with ultra modern tools CBT (Computer Based teaching) needed for learning the language.
Science Lab
Three science laboratories provide requisite hands on experience which is the heart of science teaching. Science teachers plan various experiments to ignite the curiosity and inculcate scientific temperament in the students.
Audio Visual Room
The audio visual room is equipped with an over head projector and a smart board. These audio visual aids help make teaching more effective, interesting multi-sensory process for students.
Art and Craft:
A bright and inspiring room which allows students to explore a variety of media ranging from fine art, painting, drawing and craft to give expression to their creativity.
Music has a strong connect with our lives. At the end of the day, it is the lilting notes of our fave number, the touching lyrics of a song that we carry in our hearts forever. If you’re moved by music, enamored by it and want to learn the nuances of it, there are several academies that offer great coaching. Whether you are music connoisseur or want to pursue a career in music, these academies can propel your dreams forward.
List of Books :
List of books
Developing necessary capabilities to compete in the modern-day competitive world with an equal beginning.